Friday, January 13, 2012

back to blogs...

i started reading more Christian and knitting blogs this year.  i hope it encourages me to express my own feelings in the written word.  there are some beautifully designed blogs out there.  i know mine is difficult to read with the dark background, but i love the interconnectedness of the three wise men and 'simple gifts' theme.  what can be more Christian than to think about Jesus' 24/7/365 ?  i want to start reading the Bible. i need to attend daily Mass with my husband instead of just taking him.  i want to strive to be more gentle, in thought/word/deeds.  i don't speak like some Christian bloggers do, but practice my speaking directly to God in my own mind's thoughts and prayers.  i love the ritual of the Catholic Mass, but wish more of it was in the old Latin version...i do not like the new modifications at all!  i'm not olde fashioned, but simplicity is my life's theme...St.Francis of Assisi , my favorite patron the simple life...think through things simply...i am a simple person ...


             ^)^ hawknitr

1 comment:

Linda Stubbs said...

Well I think you are a precious person.......loved by Chirst! I too love the wisemen in your background. Just wanted to come and say hello and thank you for coming to my blog and leaving a comment! I have a lot of chickens on my farm, but Miss Milly was on of my favorites. I have another hen like her, but not as pretty, and a rooster. I can't wait until it gets warm and they start laying .

So nice to meet you and your post was very very beautiful! God will meet you in His word for sure! I love Him also.

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